About Us
NSW Underwater Hockey is affiliated with Underwater Hockey Australia and the Australian Underwater Federation.
It is compulsory for all NSW underwater hockey players to wear protective gear in the form of a glove on their playing hand and a cap with ear protection. No player will be permitted to participate in training sessions or competitions without this necessary protection.
Your mask should be made with safety glass. It should also be low volume i.e. have the minimum amount of air trapped inside it. Look for something small and comfortable.
They need to have soft edges so as not to hurt other players. Use something thats durable.
Gloves are purpose-made from either latex or silicone. These can be purchased from True Blue.
Underwater hockey caps are simply water polo caps with protective ear pieces. You will need two, one white and one blue. These can be purchased from most sports shops.
Snorkels are available in many designs. Look for one that is soft and flexible, with as wide a pipe as possible.
Sticks or Bats
The sticks, or bats are purpose-made, and each player needs to have a pair, one being white and the other black.
Most Importantly, the Puck
An underwater hockey puck is made from lead and covered with a moulded plastic to protect the playing surface.
All of the specialist Underwater Hockey Equipment can be purchased from a number of online stores. As masks, snorkels and fins are very personal, buy them from your local dive shop or from one of the sites below. However, before investing in fins, check with your club members about the latest styles and where to get them from.