Introduction to Underwater Hockey

The British Navy invented underwater hockey in the 1950’s to keep their divers fit and to improve their ability to move and work efficiently under water. The game came to Australia shortly after and has evolved into a fast dynamic sport played in more than 20 countries.

How to Play Underwater Hockey

Playing Field

Underwater hockey is played in a 25m x 15m pool that is between 1.8 – 3 m deep.

Game Duration

The game consists of 15 minute halves and a three minute half time. Each team is allowed 1 60-second time out per half. The game clock stops for any infringements in the last 2 minutes of the game.

Team Structure

Each side has 12 players, 10 of whom can play in any one game. During the game, 6 players are in the pool with 4 interchange players on the side who can substitute at any time.

Player Gear

The players wear large fins, a diving mask, snorkel, and a thick glove made from latex to protect the hand from the pool bottom and the puck. The bats are made of wood and are about 25cm long, with one straight edge for flicking the puck and the back edge usually curved for hooking the puck. Top players can flick the puck well over 3m, making it come off the bottom enough to go over another player.

The Puck

The puck is made of lead and coated with plastic, weighing about 1.5 kg.

Starting the Game

The teams start at each end of the pool with one hand on the wall. The puck is in the middle of the pool. When the referee sounds the buzzer, both teams race to get possession of the puck. There is a goal tray at each end of the playing area; it is 3m long with a slope from the front into a shallow trough at the back wall. The puck must pass through the goal volume for a team to score a goal.

Team Configurations

Generally, a team has 3 forwards (a strike and 2 wings) and 3 backs (2 half backs and a full back). The idea is to keep possession of the puck and outwit your opponents using skill, speed, maneuverability, and breath control.

Rules of the Game

The rules of Underwater Hockey are fairly simple. It is a non-contact sport, meaning players cannot interfere with another player using their free hand. There is no offside rule; however, shepherding and obstruction are not allowed. The puck must not rest on the glove, be carried on top of the bat, or be stopped deliberately by anything other than the bat.

Infringements and Penalties

Any infringement of the rules is judged by the 2 in-water referees, who signal the out-of-water referee to sound the buzzer to stop play. Depending on the seriousness of the foul, the referees can award a free puck giving a 3m advantage to the disadvantaged team or eject players for 1 or 2 minutes, or for the remainder of the game. If a foul has stopped a certain goal within 3m of the goal, the referees can award a penalty 2 on 1, or just award a penalty goal.


The competitions in Underwater Hockey range from club to national to world titles. Every 2 years, a World Championship is held around April or May. Every other year, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa compete in a Tri-Nations Cup. There are under 18 years teams, under 21 years teams, open men’s and women’s teams, and Masters teams (over 35 for men and over 32 for women).

Why Play Underwater Hockey?

Underwater Hockey is a great sport for all ages, shapes, and sizes. Many players have been playing for well over 10 years. It is a sport that does not cause injuries from running, stopping suddenly, or being run into. You can’t fall down! It is a sport that continues to grow and keeps players interested. Each game is different, and each player must overcome their opponent, move in water, control the puck, and manage their need to breathe. Teamwork and anticipation are essential, with a lot of communication before and after the games.

The 3D Nature of the Game

The game is 3D, and how you play is only limited by your imagination.

Managing Underwater Hockey in Australia

Underwater Hockey in Australia is managed by Underwater Hockey Australia, a Commission of the AUF.